FBC@Attica Statements of the Faith

• The Bible is the inerrant, inspired word of God.

• Mankind has a sinful nature which makes it impossible for us to restore our

relationship with God. God in His grace has acted on our behalf and made a way of

salvation from the punishment of sin through His son Jesus Christ.

• Jesus Christ is the very incarnation of God. He came as a

man born of a virgin, maintained His fullness as God and yet was fully man. He became

our substitute in His death on the cross. He rose from the dead on the third day, was seen

of men, and is now seated in heaven as our intercessor at His Father’s throne.

• The Holy Spirit who was sent as the Comforter indwells, seals, baptizes and gifts all who

trust in Jesus Christ as Savior.

• The Church is the body of Christ, made up of all who have trusted in Christ. The local

Church is the primary vehicle through which God has chosen to work in this world today.

• We believe that Jesus Christ will return for His people. The bodies of those who have died

in Christ will be resurrected and glorified, and believers alive at the time will be raptured.

• Christ will set up Kingdom and reign on the earth.

• The final judgment will seal all unbelievers to eternal separation from God in the Lake of
